Shine, sister! This man's sunscreen turned him into fluorescent | The dazed beauty

2021-12-06 20:51:49 By : Mr. Tony Chiu

We all (hopefully) now know that SPF is the secret to healthy, anti-aging skin. For the best protection from UVB and UVA rays, half a teaspoon (or about three fingers in length) should be applied every morning throughout the year.

If you need a demonstration, TikTok, a new virus released by Internet celebrity Jack Remmington, shows a shot of his friend's shiny white, SPF face under the black light of the club (think of Mark Zuckerberg's sun protection level while surfing in Hawaii) . 

In the caption attached to the video, Remington wrote: "When your friend applied too much SPF moisturizer in the club in Amsterdam, and there was ultraviolet light in the bathroom." Suddenly, the clip cut to the mouth of his friend Charlie Carlson. , "Is there anything on my face?" When the ultraviolet rays hit his pale face, neck and palms.

The degree of respect I have for his persistence

"It was given to James Charles," one commenter wrote, referring to MUA's infamous "Flashback Mary" photo. Another wrote, "This is the killer skin, Bella," comparing SPF to Edward's shiny skin in Twilight. In another TikTok, Remington said: "Oh my God, I want to see Mrs. Doubtfire", and Carlson imitated Robin Williams's role in the film's cake mask scene.

However, other reviewers only praised the SPF-wearing friend for his dedication to skin care. "I'm proud that he didn't let ultraviolet rays hurt his face," one commenter wrote. Another user said: "At least his application is an even number." Although some people commented: "There is no such thing as'too much sun protection factor', when he is 45 years old, he will look like 20 years old."

TBH, we are very happy that his application is better than Gwenyth Paltrow's "least exposure sunscreen" method. Although, we might suggest to try sunscreen without white spots next time.

Check out TikTok above.